Category: Kids

Posted in Kids

Community, It’s Important!

Listen to Community, It’s Important! HERE Today, we talked about the importance of building a community of…

Posted in Kids

Things I Was Wrong About. Parent Edition

Listen to Things I Was Wrong About. Parent Edition HERE This was such a fun episode. Usually…

Posted in Kids

The Wonderful Combination of Kids and Pets

Listen to The Wonderful Combination of Kids and Pets HERE Today we talked about kids and pets…

Posted in Kids

Kid’s Activities; The Tidal Wave

Listen to Kid’s Activities; The Tidal Wave HERE It’s starting. Can you feel it? Back to school…

Posted in Home school Kids

Games We Love and Why You Should Too

Listen to Games We love and Why You Should To HERE Games have always been a big…

Posted in Kids

A Dive Into Foster Care

Listen to A Dive Into Foster Care HERE The above photo was taken the day our very…

Posted in Kids

As Long As No One Is Bleeding

Sibling Rivalry Listen to this episode HERE Parents everywhere cringe when their kids bicker. We are no…

Posted in Home school Kids

Getting Ready for a New Home School Year

Listen to this episode HERE Today we introduced how we do home school. This is such a…

Posted in Chickens Gardening Kids

Keeping Chickens in Town

An Intro for Chicken Tenders Listen to this episode HERE In today’s episode, we discussed the ins…

Posted in Kids

Kids and Chores

Listen To Our Take On Kids And Chores HERE When is the right time to get your…