Things I Was Wrong About. Parent Edition

Listen to Things I Was Wrong About. Parent Edition HERE

This was such a fun episode. Usually it isn’t fun to be wrong but this was fun to reminiscence about. As parents, we often have preconceived notions about how things will be. Our day at the beach will be amazing. Then it rains and the baby cries all day. We can let that ruin our feeling about the whole thing or accept this is part of life with kids and handle it with grace.

Today we talked about things we were wrong about. From not realizing how little instruction you receive before leaving the hospital with this precious, delicate, tiny, fragile bundle to not knowing just how to let go of them in the teen years, we discussed it all. We don’t really have any answers but it is nice to know you’re in the trenches with other people who are going through it too.

Check out our take on Kids and Pets HERE

What have you been wrong about? Did you feel like your newborn should have come with an instruction manual like we did? Are you in the teen years? They need an binder on how to navigate that. phew! Drop us a line on social and let us know how you’re doing.

We are also looking for show ideas. Do you have a topic you’d like to hear us discuss? Drop us an email at and let us know.

Music is by Oliver Massa. It is called Weekend Chores

Author: Ellyn

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