Author: Ellyn

Posted in Family Kids Marital Bliss

When Was The Last Baby?-Family Size

Listen to When Was The Last Baby-Family Size HERE Today we got a little personal about our…

Posted in Budgeting Gardening Homemaking

Saving Money: Gardening Edition

Listen to Saving Money: Gardening Edition HERE Today we continued our saving money series with a gardening…

Posted in Family Home school Kids

Kids and Online Life

Listen to Kids and Online Life HERE We took on a big topic today. We discussed how…

Posted in Budgeting Marital Bliss

Saving Money: Car Buying Edition

Listen to Saving Money: Car Buying Edition HERE Buying a car can be such a stressful experience….

Posted in Family Kids

The Effect Of Birth Order On Our Family

Listen To The Effect Of Birth Order On Our Family HERE The effect of birth order has…

Posted in Kids Us

Mom Guilt

Listen to Mom Guilt HERE Few things are more pointless than guilt. Sure, we should feel guilty…

Posted in 10 Things I Love Kids

10 Things I Love About Having Babies

Listen to 10 Things I Love About Having Babies HERE Today was a fun little trip down…

Posted in Gardening

Raised Bed vs In-ground Gardening

Listen to Raised Bed vs In-ground Gardening HERE This was such a fun episode and a testament…

Posted in Homemaking Marital Bliss Us

The Great Transition

Listen to The Great Transition HERE Today we went way back to the beginning of motherhood for…

Posted in Fun Home school Kids

Nurturing Your Kid’s Ambitions

Listen to Nurturing Your Kid’s Ambitions HERE When our kids are little they have huge dreams. Kid’s…