Kids and Chores

Listen To Our Take On Kids And Chores HERE

When is the right time to get your kids helping around the house? From the earliest days, our kids want to help. But are they really helpful? Well, not really. They motivation is worth a lot even if their ability is lacking. Learning to navigate kids and chores are a necessary part of parenting

Lauren and Ellyn talked about allowing the tiniest tots to feel like they are contributing to the family. From picking up toys to helping to feed pets, there is a lot they can do.

As our kids get older, they can actually contribute and take a few things off a busy parent’s plate. Some of these things might include putting away dishes or taking a larger role in pet care. Regardless of what you choose to have your kids help with, it will make life ever so slightly easier.

And as they get much older, whole jobs get taken over by your teens. Ellyn hasn’t mowed her own lawn yet this year. The teens have happily taken over this job. Ellyn happily gave it up! If you aren’t there yet, enjoy the process and get your kids helping where they’re able. It pays off someday.

We are always looking for new show ideas. Do you have a parenting or gardening idea you’d like to hear us discuss. Send us an email to

Are you looking for more on parenting? Click here to learn how we handle screens time with our kids.

Music is by Oliver Massa. It is called Weekend Chores.

Author: Ellyn

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