Keeping Chickens in Town

An Intro for Chicken Tenders

Listen to this episode HERE

In today’s episode, we discussed the ins and outs of keeping chickens in town. There are often more rules to abide by when you live close to other people. We talked about how we navigate it.

We also discussed where we are in our chicken keeping adventure. Ellyn has had chickens for a number of years. Lauren is right at the beginning. They are getting their chickens this year.

Chickens provide so many benefits for the small farm. Eggs are the most obvious benefit. But there so much more than that. You’ll find their manure is great for the garden once it is properly aged. Speaking of the garden, it is great to turn chickens loose in the garden to dig up the soil and eat pesky bugs at the end of the season. And they are just funny creatures. They are very entertaining to watch.

We highly recommend learning about the rules where you live before getting chickens. If the local ordinances prohibit chickens, we recommend get involved in your local government and work to get the laws changed. The laws are often made by policy makers who have no understanding of small livestock.

We are looking for new episode ideas. Do you have more chicken questions you’d like us to dive into? Send us an email at We will see if we can work you questions into a future episode.

Want to check out our intro to gardening episode? Listen to that here

Music is by Oliver Massa. It is called Weekend Chores.

Author: Ellyn

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