5 Interesting Kitchen Hacks

Listen to 5 Interesting Kitchen Hacks HERE

Have you ever had a kitchen break through? You tried something once and it was so epic you incorporated it into your usual lineup of things you do in the kitchen. I think that happens to most cooks. Well, we are here to share a couple of our kitchen hacks with you. We hope these give you some ideas of things to try in the kitchen.

A lot of things we try are to try to stretch what we have and get every bit of usefulness out of a given item or to make our lives easier in some way. You’ll find a lot of our kitchen hacks fall into one of these categories. Sometimes our attempts fail completely. We aren’t talking about those today. Maybe we will do a kitchen fails episode at a later date. Today we are talking all about the winners. Beet juice is a useful thing. You can do something with apple and peach peelings. You’ll have to listen to find out what.

Do you have a show idea for us? We are always looking for new ideas. Send us an email to wifestylehustle@gmail.com. Do you have an epic kitchen hack? Drop us a comment on Facebook, Instagram or X at Wifestyle Hustle. We love to learn new hack too.

Speaking of being in the kitchen, want to learn to make apple cider vinegar? Listen to us talk about it HERE It couldn’t be easier.

Music is by Oliver Massa. It is called Weekend Chores.Categories

Author: Ellyn

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