Marriage: The Compromise

Listen to Marriage: The Compromise HERE

There’s a saying that goes, “Happy marriages begin when we marry the one we love, and they blossom when we love the one we marry.” And another, “A successful marriage is falling in love many times, always with the same person.” Today, we talked about being married to the same person for a long time. We are not experts. Far from it, in fact. What we are are people in committed marriages that we plan to see through. Part of a successful marriage, I think, is deciding that this is my person. Come what may, we will figure this out.

We discussed being intentional in our relationships. It is about the day to day little things. There is a honeymoon period where you try to make sure your spouse knows you love them. The key is to make the honeymoon period last forever. Admittedly, it doesn’t come naturally. You have to decide everyday to be intentional and care about this person you committed to do life with. Once kids enter the picture it gets even harder. That is where the real rewards are though. That is where life’s greatest accomplishment is. Raising a family together, having dreams and seeing them come true, there is no better feeling than that.

Did you hear our first talk on this topic? Listen to that HERE This one goes almost all the way back to the beginning of our podcast journey. Be patient with our lack of editing skills way back then.


Music is by Oliver Massa. It is called Weekend Chores.

Author: Ellyn

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