Cooking With Kids. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly

Listen to Cooking with Kids. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly HERE.

Want to make a big mess and not get a whole lot accomplished? Get your kids in the kitchen to ‘help out.’ Just kidding. Letting your kids help in the kitchen isn’t very helpful at the beginning but so awesome once they get a little older.

Today we discussed the days at the very beginning when all they can do was stir. We got into what we did when we first cooking with our kids. Then we offered a little encouragement to those whose kids are in the making messes stage. If you can stick with it, your kids will eventually be able to make whole meals without your help. This is so helpful for busy moms who just need to put something on the table.

Lastly we talked a bit about our first days of being young wives and adult cooks. Even though we both spent years helping our own mother in the kitchen, we both had much to learn once we started our own homes. We’ve both learned a lot since then.

Want to hear a little about how we keep busy all winter? Check out our teaser episode HERE. We definitely have more time for cooking with the kids in the winter.

Do your kids help in the kitchen? Hop on over to our social account and tell us about it.

If you have a show idea for us send us an email to

Author: Ellyn

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