Warm Weather Meals

Listen to Warm Weather Meals HERE

The flowers are blooming. The temperature is rising. The leaves are popping. The school year is almost over!! That can only mean one thing. The change of season is upon us. With the change of season, for our families, comes a change in the foods we eat. Winter is for warm, wooey, gooey, cheesy goodness. Soups, stews, and the like are awesome winter meals. For summer, we like lighter fare. For us, we tend to make much simpler meals. We like salads and grilled meats. Or whole meals cooked out of doors. It is a great time for raw veggies picked fresh from the garden and eaten at a picnic table in the shade. As you can tell we love our summer food and are always ready for the switch when the time comes. And the time has COME!!

We mentioned insta-pot mac and cheese in the episode. The recipe we use is HERE. This is a super adaptable recipe. Use whatever cheese you have on hand. I like to use cream cheese as part of my cheese base. Check out her other recipes too. She makes some yummy stuff!

Have you heard our episode on diet trends. It is so much easier to start a healthy eating pattern in the summer when all the food is lighter. Listen to that HERE


Transitioning from winter food to summer food is a fun and exciting change in cooking.

Eating something fresh, whether from the garden or a local farm, is important during the summer months.

Summer meals are often lighter and include grilled meats and plenty of vegetables.

Marinating meat adds flavor and infuses it with deliciousness.

Exploring different cuisines allows for a variety of summer dishes.

Infused waters with fruits, herbs, and vegetables can help with hydration.

Growing herbs is easy and adds flavor to summer dishes.


00:00 Introduction: Summer Food and Cooking Changes

04:23 Keeping it Light: Cold Dishes and Salads

11:11 Grilling Everything: The Joy of Grilled Food

25:02 Conclusion: More Ideas for Summer Food

Author: Ellyn

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