Summer Bucket List Board

Listen to Summer Bucket List Board HERE

Today was a big day for us. We announced our new format and schedule. Moving forward, we will be doing a show on Wednesdays moving forward. We also plan to explore our topics more thoroughly in the coming months. We’ve heard from several of our listeners that our time constraints leave them wanting more. We will do our best going forward to dive a little deeper into our subjects to satisfy that desire.

Today we discussed a subject that is near and dear to my heart. Making a Bucket list board is a great way to ring in summer break. Keeping a list of the fun things you want to accomplish over break is great way to stay organized and make sure summer doesn’t get away from you. Too often, you blink and it’s Labor Day. Keeping a board in a prominent place in your house helps you see what your goals for your summer are. At the end of summer you can look back that see all the fun you had and head into the next school year with all those great memories.

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Have you heard our episode about budgeting for vacation? Listen to that HERE



The podcast format is changing to longer episodes with a focus on personal conversations.

Summer break is a valuable time to spend with family and create lasting memories.

Creating a bucket list for the summer can help prioritize and plan fun activities.

The bucket list should be fun and not stressful, with input from the whole family. Create a personalized summer bucket list that reflects your family’s interests and preferences.

Include a variety of activities such as camping, backyard bonfires, reading lists, DIY projects, and rainy day activities.

Involve children in the planning and execution of the activities to foster engagement and a sense of ownership.

Make the most of the summer by checking off items on the bucket list and creating lasting memories.


00:00 Changing the Podcast Format

11:23 The Importance of Summer Break

23:11 Creating a Personalized Summer Bucket List

26:44 The Importance of Making Lists

30:00 Engaging Children in Summer Activities

32:44 Making the Most of Summer

Author: Ellyn

2 thoughts on “Summer Bucket List Board

  1. What a great episode and I love the new format! The idea board is a fabulous way to build some family anticipation for a great summer.
    You have some great suggestions but my favs are, dad taking your little ones to the library what a great memory for them, and the bonfires! So much fun!

    1. Glad you like the new format! It is fun to have a little more time to explore our topics more deeply.
      We love our Bucket List Board for making memories over the summer!

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