
Episode 1

Listen to Our Introductions HERE

Today, we did our introduction. We discussed our upbringing, time in the service, marriage, children, and what life looks like now. It has been a whirlwind adventure for us both.

We followed a similar path when we left home. But we each did enough different from the other to keep it all interesting. Ellyn was in the Air Force. Lauren wanted to do something harder so she joined the Army. We both met our husbands in the service. We both settled in the the northeast though not near each other. So when our families get together, it is an occasion to be remembered!

What we hope to do with our podcast

Additionally, We talked a little about our vision for the future of this podcast. We feel this podcast will grow and develop in ways we can’t imagine yet. We’re so excited to share this journey with our listeners. Our focus will be on a few areas that we are passionate about. Some these areas include family life and how we make it work, running a busy household, gardening and preserving, budgeting and saving money where we can, homesteading on limited land and homeschooling from littles to bigs. We hope to touch on each of these subjects and expand into new ones.

We have a few tricks up our sleeves we will share in the future. We’re quite excited to get under way and have many ideas in the works already. We are putting together a few different episode series we think our readers will enjoy. Please check back often for new episodes. Our introduction is just the beginning.

Contact us

We are looking for ideas for future episodes. If you have any good ideas or would like us to expand on something we said please email us at We are always looking for ways to make our podcast better.

Music is by Oliver Massa. It is called Weekend Chores

Author: Ellyn

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