Listen to We’re Just Teasing HERE

What do we do all winter? Well, I’ll tell you. A whole heaping lot of indoor things. Our houses get pretty neglected during the summer months. Winter is for home for us. Today we talked a little about what you’ll hear from us during the next few months. Our social media and episodes for the last couple of months has been pretty garden and kid centric. Over the next few months we will step away from the garden and move into our homes. Today we are teasing what the heck we do inside all winter
We will still talk about the kids. They’re a constant for us. Haha! As we let go of fall and move into winter, we will talk more about winter food. YUM!! Be on the look out for to some more recipes for soups and casseroles. We are going to share a few methods for making your lives easier on busy nights.
Home school becomes a priority in the winter. All of our many activities pick up again. And through all of that we still feel like we have more down time. We get more together time. The weather is dreadful so we are all stuck together inside. All. The. Time. We play games! That is a favorite winter activity. We play in the snow. There’s so much fun to be had.
Another thing we have a little more time for in the winter is our side hustle. Check out this episode where we talked a little about it HERE
What do you do in the winter time? Do you feel like you have more family time? Hop on over to our social media pages and tell us about it.
Music is by Oliver Massa. It is called Weekend Chores