Author: Ellyn

Posted in Family Fun Kids

Handling “I’m bored” during summer break

**Photo credit to Lauren and her kids** On our trip to their house last week, I saw her kids had created the perfect fairy, ninja, mountain, slide castle thing. It perfectly encapsulates the reason for letting your children be bored.

Posted in Family Homemaking Us

The Rise Of Trad Dad

Listen to Trad Dad HERE Today, we piggie backed on an episode we did a few weeks…

Posted in Budgeting Family

How Much Does It Really Cost to Raise a Child?

Listen to cost to raise a child HERE Today, we discussed our thoughts on a CBS report…

Posted in Budgeting Family Home school Marital Bliss Us

Remodeling Your House With Your Spouse

Before you read this, go listen to our episode about this remodeling project. That can be found…

Posted in Budgeting Marital Bliss Us

Remodeling Your House With Your Spouse

Listen to Remodeling HERE This is the before. Check back on Friday for the after. Trust me,…

Posted in Us

Aging Gracefully

Listen to Aging Gracefully HERE Sorry about last week, everyone. Life gets a little crazy sometimes. Thanks…

Posted in Family Marital Bliss Us

The In-laws Dun Dun DUN!

Listen to The In-Laws HERE Before we start check out our new venture into writing. We have…

Posted in Gardening Intereviews

Interview with Jill From The Beginning Gardener

Listen to Our interview HERE Today was a huge treat. We got a chance to do an…

Posted in Gardening

Attracting Pollinators To Your Garden

It’s great to have a vegetable garden and have the anticipation of fresh veggies when they come…

Posted in Family Marital Bliss Us

Our Thoughts On The Harrison Butker Speech

Listen to Our Thoughts On The Harrison Butker Speech HERE Today, we took on a subject a…