3 Reasons Voting Is Important For Young People

We did a whole episode on talking to your kids about voting earlier this week. Listen to that HERE

I know you’ve heard it before. Voting is your constitutional right, which is true. No doubt. But I think it is more than that. It is your responsibility to vote. Our republic is set up in a way that allows for its citizens to choose who will represent their interests. This means that you should go to the voting booth smart about the issues and candidates on the ballot. It is your responsibility to look beyond party affiliation and think about who will best represent your interests.

I’ve recently had conversations with my young adult son. This will be his first time voting. Honestly, it isn’t a big deal to him. As I think back, I admit it wasn’t a big deal to me either at his age. It was to my parents. They were so proud to take me to my first time voting with them. I remember we had to get up very early and go before my dad left for work. It was dark out. He wanted to be there. It was that big of a deal to my parents. I suppose the importance of voting in free and fair elections hadn’t quite been impressed upon me at that age. But I went. I voted. They were happy. I was tired.

So if you’re like me, you’ve been thinking about how to impress on your grown children the importance of casting a ballot. Here are 3 things to talk to them about.


Voting ensures a chance of your interests being represented. Our leaders decide how many taxes to levy on us, which roads to fix, how much to spend in our school systems, and a hundred other things that affect our everyday lives. Voting in leaders that have the same goals and beliefs in place that we do makes a big difference in our every day lives and our bottom lines.


Not voting means you have no right to complain if things don’t go your way. You didn’t vote your beliefs so you can’t complain that you’re not represented. This also means you are stuck with whatever decisions are made by those in power. Higher taxes, pot holes, money spent in ways that go against you beliefs, your lack of voting owns all of it. Helping our young adult children understand this is so important.


Being a part of the civic process is the right thing to do. You stand on the shoulders of giants to take part in something millions before have done. It is one of the things that makes our country unique. Every adult citizen gets a vote and gets a chance to see the process in action.


It makes a young person feel very grown up to vote for the first time. All the polling people are extra nice to you…especially if you show up while it is still dark out. They know you got out of bed to be there. haha.

If you’re looking for a great resource to follow along on election night, 270 to Win is a great website. It even has forecasts and predictions you can look at now. Find that website HERE

Author: Ellyn

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